Fill in the blanks with what,which,who,whom,or whose.
1.Mangoes ....... are over-ripe should be thrown away.
2.This is the man .... house was burgled.
3.I have an axe with ..... I cut wood.
4.A boy ..... does not play games will never be healthy.
5.This is the woman ...... husband was killed by the terrorists.
6.The acients worsshipped the moon .... they called Diana.
7.I mean ... I say.
8. ....... is one man's meat is another man's poison.
9. Take down .... I dictate.
10. I saw ... looked like a flying saucer.
11. ...... cannot be cured must be endured.
12. The horse .... won the race is called Furious.
13. This is a case ...... calls for careful investigation.
14.The man said he was a fire fighter , ...... was not true.
15.We have an Alsatian ..... nume is Rex.
16.He happened to be there at the time , ..... was fortunate.
17. This is my boy of .... I am proud.
18. This ia John Peters ..... I used to know as a child.
19.He wants me to give up his claim , ....... is impossible.
20.The surgeon , .......... wife you have just met , did everything in his power to save the children.