Cerință: Să completăm spațiile punctate cu must (trebuie), can't (nu poate), may (s-ar putea, ar fi posibil), might (s-ar putea) sau could (ar putea).
The writing in sample 1 is very large so the writer could be in vain. Because it slants to the right we can say that the person may be unfriendly and since the lines of writing go up we can say that the person might be optimistic. The writer can't be indisciplined. We can deduce this from the large top loops.
The writing in sample 2 is very small so the writer can't be in vain: he/she may be modest. The writing is perfectly horizontal: the writer could therefore be either optimistic or pessimistic. He/she seems to emphasise the bottom loops of letters so he/she could be practical but we can't be sure from the sample. There are only two examples of these letters.
- Lumberjack25