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The landscape of great beauty is like a painting in white. Nature is lost in the cold white snow. The way everything is comprised of infinite whiteness of the beholder this landscape arouses fear and anxiety.
Heaven is silent and gloomy. Sunlight round and pale struggling to break through the thick clouds, and white. From the sky and although small flakes of snow rolling relentlessly towards land already covered by a bright white robe. The flakes fall like a scary character would ceaselessly sift through a sieve huge snow. The wind beat reins escaped without stopping, snow blizzard left and right. Snow drifts can be seen here and there, and people traveled paths are fully covered by white ocean.
In the distance are seen villages buried under mountains of snow. The only sign of life in the wilderness of snow, which brings to mind the warmth of hearth is thick smoke coming out of chimneys of houses. In the courtyards, people, animals and poultry are hidden in places away from reaching frosty winter. No living soul could not be seen on the streets of sleepy villages.
Trees are felt from the weight of snow which he pressed his shoulders. Such fantasies of white, trees are lost in the distance, awakening the viewer visions of terror. Along the road covered with a white carpet, white poplars look like candles lined in perfect order.
Heaven is silent and gloomy. Sunlight round and pale struggling to break through the thick clouds, and white. From the sky and although small flakes of snow rolling relentlessly towards land already covered by a bright white robe. The flakes fall like a scary character would ceaselessly sift through a sieve huge snow. The wind beat reins escaped without stopping, snow blizzard left and right. Snow drifts can be seen here and there, and people traveled paths are fully covered by white ocean.
In the distance are seen villages buried under mountains of snow. The only sign of life in the wilderness of snow, which brings to mind the warmth of hearth is thick smoke coming out of chimneys of houses. In the courtyards, people, animals and poultry are hidden in places away from reaching frosty winter. No living soul could not be seen on the streets of sleepy villages.
Trees are felt from the weight of snow which he pressed his shoulders. Such fantasies of white, trees are lost in the distance, awakening the viewer visions of terror. Along the road covered with a white carpet, white poplars look like candles lined in perfect order.
Again winter was left over sat. The trees are laden with snow white flowers fallen from the heights of heaven. The world waving white flowers , sitting down when tired from their flight on tree branches and black face of the earth . Everything is white , mysterious, grandiose and snow is abundant . A sunrise and the sun casts its rays over the village mirrors that if you're blind . Trees and left arms down under the weight of white. Bushes and other trees creates a mysterious lace splendid . White shingle house ends in huge tissues . Monsters sky are clouds of ash that sifted snow. A huge chandelier lights up one by one the lights . Although winter is terrible blizzard raged and the world is full of children tobogganing happy with glowing cheeks . Houses hunkering under big white hats are surrounded by a crystal field . It is a wonderful landscape : soft carpet
fluffy snow that seems to dominate the earth mort.Singurele traces of their life is joyful children and the smoke that rises from the houses. They symbolize the winter holidays that bring joy and love in our hearts. Winter white is like a fairy that comes our lands in her sleigh pulled by reindeer silver . As a true warrior she take over the earth. The sky is cloudy and gray , and the sun , prisoner behind the curtains of heavy clouds and threatening . Winter placed over stretches a bright white laces , woven chopped billions of hooks and needles. Everything seems frozen in an endless white . Great white around me brings back the excitement and joy at the same time . Ice Flowers were littered my window . I close my eyes and my face appears in a field covered with long shimmering pearls . Winter voice like wind whispers lui.Norii story began to sift in stelu
ces argintii.Fulgul - small, round flower , a marvel of a first flake fell secundă.Odată wine and all the joys of children. We like very much because winter season comes on holidays with their families and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ , singing carols from house to house . Children enjoy this season that opens people's souls to another good year .