I bought the time machine from a chinese store. There were people that were sceptic about it and it's functioning, but I bought it anyway and took the risks of not functioning. It was a huge price but later, it was worth the money.
I got myself home and I read the manual. It said that the machine limit of past age is 1900. I thought some good 2 hours in which period do I want to go.
Finally, I set my time for 1940, it was meanwhile the Second World War and the location, Hitler's house.
I pressed the button and then, the machine made a weird, loud sound. After that, I felt really weird, as I was sleeping. 10 second later, I'm in Hitler's house, from outside the house came some bombing sounds. It was clear, the time machine was operating well.
The house smelled of red roses and violets. There was nobody home. Pictures of propaganda and Hitler's face were all over the walls. Soon after that, I heard a knocking in the door and some german lines that I do not even want to know what their meaning was. I was afraid of dying so I pushed the button of going back in time. The machine made the weird, loud sound again and I got myself in the present.