Răspuns :
Era o zi senina foarte calduroasa , afara erau 30 de grade. Parintii mei s-au gandit sa mergem la mare, pentru ca era prea cald afara si in casa.
Am plecat la mare a doua zi. Toata lumea se plangea in masina deoarece era mult prea cald.In sfarsit ajunsesem la mare.
Cand am ajuns, a aparut o mare problema. Toata plaja era plina de oameni, si nu mai era nici un loc.
Ne-am hotarat sa ne despartim pentru a cauta un loc pe plaja, si sa ne intalni este zece minute la masina. Peste zece minute, eu am reusit sa gasesc un loc mai departe. Cand am ajuns la locul pe care il gasisem, ai mei au inceput sa puna patura , umbreala si bagajele.
Eu m-am dus in apa sa innot iar parintii mei discutau. Intre timp, vazusem o fata care striga dupa ajutor dar nieni nu o auzea. Am innotat rapid spre ea pentru a o salva. Am luato in spate si am duso pana la mal. Mi-a multumit o gramada de timp pana a venit vremea sa ne intoarcem acasa.
A fost foarte frumoasa acea vacanta si nu o voi uita niciodata.
In last year's holiday
It was a very hot sunny day, outside was 30 degrees. My parents were going to go to sea, because it was too hot outside and inside.I went to sea the next day. Everyone was crying in the car because it was too cald.In finally had reached the sea.When we arrived, there was a big problem. The whole beach was full of people, and there was no place.We decided to break up to find a place on the beach, and in ten minutes to meet us at the car. In ten minutes, I found a spot on. When I arrived at the place that we had found, began to put my blanket, umbrellas and bags.I was led into the water to swim and my parents talking. Meanwhile, I had seen a girl who cried for help but no one heard she. I quickly swam to her to save her. I took it back and we lead to shore. She thanked a lot of time until it was time to return home.It was very beautiful vacation and that I will not forget.
Am plecat la mare a doua zi. Toata lumea se plangea in masina deoarece era mult prea cald.In sfarsit ajunsesem la mare.
Cand am ajuns, a aparut o mare problema. Toata plaja era plina de oameni, si nu mai era nici un loc.
Ne-am hotarat sa ne despartim pentru a cauta un loc pe plaja, si sa ne intalni este zece minute la masina. Peste zece minute, eu am reusit sa gasesc un loc mai departe. Cand am ajuns la locul pe care il gasisem, ai mei au inceput sa puna patura , umbreala si bagajele.
Eu m-am dus in apa sa innot iar parintii mei discutau. Intre timp, vazusem o fata care striga dupa ajutor dar nieni nu o auzea. Am innotat rapid spre ea pentru a o salva. Am luato in spate si am duso pana la mal. Mi-a multumit o gramada de timp pana a venit vremea sa ne intoarcem acasa.
A fost foarte frumoasa acea vacanta si nu o voi uita niciodata.
In last year's holiday
It was a very hot sunny day, outside was 30 degrees. My parents were going to go to sea, because it was too hot outside and inside.I went to sea the next day. Everyone was crying in the car because it was too cald.In finally had reached the sea.When we arrived, there was a big problem. The whole beach was full of people, and there was no place.We decided to break up to find a place on the beach, and in ten minutes to meet us at the car. In ten minutes, I found a spot on. When I arrived at the place that we had found, began to put my blanket, umbrellas and bags.I was led into the water to swim and my parents talking. Meanwhile, I had seen a girl who cried for help but no one heard she. I quickly swam to her to save her. I took it back and we lead to shore. She thanked a lot of time until it was time to return home.It was very beautiful vacation and that I will not forget.