
Am si eu de facut o scurtă poveste de dragoste in engleza .
Va rog frumos ajutati-ma!!!!

Răspuns :

Once upon a time there was a guy who was running every morning and evening in the park and a girl who was sitting on a bench reading at the exact same time every day.He was seeing her every time he was doing his night laps and the feeling that he must talk to her became stronger day by day.She felt the same way,but as him,she was too shy to start a conversation also.
But,one day,in a warm summer night,at around sunset,when he got in front of her bench,he stopped and smiled.She smiled back.He took a sit on the bench, by her side,and asked her what is she reading. ,,Goon with the wind" by Margaret Mitchell she replied.Nice book,he said.And then they started talking about the book,about the beautitful summer landscape,and laughed about how much they struggled to take the courage to talk to each other.And that s how their love story began...