Răspuns :
1. The English footballer David Beckham became famous for his goal-kicking ability.
Fotbalistul englez David Becham a devenit faimos pentru locitura de poarta.
2. The record of 47 hours for watching TV without stopping was set last year and is still unbroken.
Recordul de 47 de ore de vizionare continuala televizor a fost atins anul trecut si este in continuare nedepasit.
3. The David Coulthard victory over Michael Schumacher in the Australian Grand Prix was unexpected.
Victoria lui David Coulthard contra lui Michael Schumacher de la Astralian Grad Prix a fost neasteptata.
4. That bridge looks rather unsafe;
Posul arata mai degraba nesigur;
5. I found the drive over the mountains very frightening.
Condusul peste munti mi s-a parut foarte terifiant.
6. Although I was unsuccessful in the competition.
Chiar daca nu am reusit la intrecere.
7. I thought it would be impossible for me to climb that mountain.
Credeam ca era imposibil pentru mine sa urc acel munte.
8. People say that you need to take regular exercise in order to be healthy.
Oamenii spun ca ai nevoie de exercitii regulate pentru a te mentine sanatos.
9. I can swim, but I don't have much confidence in the water.
Stiu sa inot, dar nu am mare incredere cand sunt in apa.
1.Milles Kendall has spend 40.000 sculpting and shaping his face.
Miles Kendal a cheltuit 40.000 ca sa isi modeleze fata.
2.The writter of the the article thinks Milles is pleasingly good-looking.
Autorul aricolului crede ca Milles este placuta la vedere.
3.Because of the surgery he has undergone, it is difficult for Milles to show any facial expression.
Din cauza operatiei la care a fost supus, lui Miles ii este greu sa exprime toate expresiile faciale.
1.The complexity of modern life can be stressfull as well stimulating. Complexitatea vietii moderne poate fi stresanta dar si poate si stimula.
2. Computer games do not really stimulate people`s imagination.
Jocurile de calculator nu stimuleaza cu adevrat imaginatia oamenilor.
1. The English footballer David Beckham became famous for his goal-kicking ability.
Fotbalistul englez David Becham a devenit faimos pentru locitura de poarta.
2. The record of 47 hours for watching TV without stopping was set last year and is still unbroken.
Recordul de 47 de ore de vizionare continuala televizor a fost atins anul trecut si este in continuare nedepasit.
3. The David Coulthard victory over Michael Schumacher in the Australian Grand Prix was unexpected.
Victoria lui David Coulthard contra lui Michael Schumacher de la Astralian Grad Prix a fost neasteptata.
4. That bridge looks rather unsafe;
Posul arata mai degraba nesigur;
5. I found the drive over the mountains very frightening.
Condusul peste munti mi s-a parut foarte terifiant.
6. Although I was unsuccessful in the competition.
Chiar daca nu am reusit la intrecere.
7. I thought it would be impossible for me to climb that mountain.
Credeam ca era imposibil pentru mine sa urc acel munte.
8. People say that you need to take regular exercise in order to be healthy.
Oamenii spun ca ai nevoie de exercitii regulate pentru a te mentine sanatos.
9. I can swim, but I don't have much confidence in the water.
Stiu sa inot, dar nu am mare incredere cand sunt in apa.
1.Milles Kendall has spend 40.000 sculpting and shaping his face.
Miles Kendal a cheltuit 40.000 ca sa isi modeleze fata.
2.The writter of the the article thinks Milles is pleasingly good-looking.
Autorul aricolului crede ca Milles este placuta la vedere.
3.Because of the surgery he has undergone, it is difficult for Milles to show any facial expression.
Din cauza operatiei la care a fost supus, lui Miles ii este greu sa exprime toate expresiile faciale.
1.The complexity of modern life can be stressfull as well stimulating. Complexitatea vietii moderne poate fi stresanta dar si poate si stimula.
2. Computer games do not really stimulate people`s imagination.
Jocurile de calculator nu stimuleaza cu adevrat imaginatia oamenilor.