
Traduceti in engleza :
Prin fereastra deschisa am vazut scaunul unde sezuse Sue noaptea trecuta .
Mi-am dat seama ca ea discutase subiectul cu cumnatul ei timp de ore intregi .
Ziua de nastere a fiicei mele era singurul lucru despre care toata lumea vorbea acasa in ultimele 2 saptamani .
Ei au vizitat satul unde locuisera in copilarie .
Dupa ce sa imbracat a coborat si a scris o scrisoare cumnatei ei .
Nick statea la masa doar de 5 minute cand a venit o masina .
De cata vreme impletea doamna Brown cand a sunat telefonul .
Lucraul deja in laboratorul acela de luni bune cand au facut descoperirea !

Răspuns :

Through the open window I saw the chair where Sue was sitting last night. I realized she had discussed the subject with her brother-in-law for hours. My daughter's birthday was the only thing everyone had been talking about at home for the last two weeks. They visited the village where they lived in childhood. After dressing, she descended and wrote a letter to her sister-in-law. Nick stood at the table for just five minutes when a car came in. How long did Mrs Brown bang when the phone rang. Work already in that lab for good months when they made the discovery!