
 Traduceti :
The next evening Grandpa went on with story : 'You see Charlie,' he said , ' not so very long ago there used to bethousand of people working in Mr.Willy Wonka's factory.Then, one day he had to ask every single one of them to leave.'
'But why?' asked Charlie.
'Because of spies.The other chocolate makers started to send in spies to steal Mr.Wonka's secret recipes : ice creams that would never melt,chewing-gumthat never loses its flavour however much you chew it and so on.So,he had to close the factory and everybody felt sorry for Mr.Wonka

Răspuns :

Seara urmatoare bunicul a continuat povestea : "Vezi tu, Charlie", a spus, "nu acum mult timp erau mii de oameni ce lucrau in fabrica domnului Willy Wonka. Atunci, intr-o zi i-a rugat pe fiecare dintre ei sa plece."
"Dar de ce? a intrebat Charile.
"Din cauza spionilor. Ceilalti producatori de ciocolata au inceput sa trimita spioni ca sa fure retetele secrete ale domnului Wonka: inghetate care nu se topeau niciodata, guma de mestecat care nu isi pierde niciodata aroma oricat de mult ai mesteca-o si tot asa. Deci, a trebuit sa-si inchida fabrica si toata lumea s-a simtit rau pentru domnul Wonka."

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