
Va rog traduceti repede in engleza :
Cand am plecat la politie Albert si sotia lui mai vorbeau cu un politist!
Ce se intampla in casa ta cand te-am sunat aseara !
El dormea cand am fost trezit de un zgomot!
A coborat scarile sa vada ce se intampla !
Pe cand imi cautam ochelarii a sunat telefonul in timp ce mergeam sa raspund ,in timp ce mergeam sa raspund cineva a sunat la usa ; telefonul inca mai suna cand am deschis usa !
Aveam de gand sa te rog sa ma ajuti dar dormeai cand am intrat in camera ta asa ca am renuntat si am facut totul singur !!!
Repede va rog coroooaaaannnaa!!

Răspuns :

When I went to the police
Albert and his wife talket to a cop
What happensin your last night!
He has as sleep when I was awakened by a noise!
He went happens rang I was looking glasses while
Went to meet someone rang the door bell phone stil rings when I opened the door !
Washington going to ask you to help me, but sleep when I entered your room so I gave up and made one