a fost răspuns

Cu totii ne dorim pace in lume, cu atat mai mult cu cat declansarea unui razboi ne poate pune inpericol viata, sanatatea si traiul linistit. Pe perioada razboiului, oamenii nu isi pot face planuri, nureusesc sa se dezvolte personal si profesional, iar trecerea fiecarei zile nu inseamna altcevadecat o lupta continua pentru supravietuire. Insa pentru ca se doreste pace in lume, numeroaseorganizatii au fost create special cu acest scop.
 Aceste organizatii care promoveaza ideea de pace in lume sunt numeroase si opereaza decele mai multe ori la nivel international. Una dintre cele mai cunoscute organizatii pentru pacesi nonviolentaeste ONU. Mai sunt si o serie de asociatii nonguvernamentale care lupta de asemenea pentrumentinerea starii de pace in lumea intreaga. Una dintre cele mai cunoscute tari care a renuntatcomplet la tot ce inseamna forta armata este Costa Rica.
 In Costa Rica a fost deschisa si o Universitate a pacii, care ii ajuta pe tinerii studenti sainteleaga mai bine ce inseamna pace in lume si sa lupte pentru ea pe cale diplomatica. Aici,dincolo de istorie, geografie, ecologie si geonomie se preda si o materie numita rezilienta,disciplina care ajuta la mentinerea de pace in lume cu ajutorul tehnicilor non-violente. O astfelde institutie de invatamant, unica in lume, poate ajuta la mentinerea si raspandirea de pace inlume.
 Despre pace in lume au vorbit diverse personalitati, apartinand de diferite domenii. De-a lungultimpului s-au strans o serie de citate celebre referitoare la pace. De exemplu, Sfantul Ioan Gurade Aur a spus ca “Daca nu este pace, toate celelalte sunt de prisos”. Benjamin Franklin a spusca “Nu a fost niciodata un razboi bun sau o pace rea.” Jawaharlal Nehru a spus ca “Pacea nueste o relatie intre natiuni. Este o stare a mintii data de linistea sufletului.” 

Răspuns :

We all want peace in the world, the more the triggering of a war we can put inpericol life, health and living peacefully. During the war, people can not make plans, nureusesc to develop personally and professionally, and the passage of each day does not mean altcevadecat a fight for survival. But because we want peace in the world, the numeroaseorganizatii were created especially for this purpose.These organizations that promote the idea of peace in the world are numerous and operates Duke several times at international level. One of the best-known organizations for UN nonviolentaeste pacesi. There are a number of non-governmental associations which fight also pentrumentinerea State of peace in the whole world. One of the best known countries who renuntatcomplet at everything is Costa Rica's army force.In Costa Rica was opened and a University of peace, which helps young students better sainteleaga what is peace in the world and to fight for it on the diplomatic track. Here, beyond the history, geography, ecology and geonomie teach a subject called resilience, discipline which helps maintain world peace through non-violent techniques. A astfelde education institution, unique in the world, can help maintain and spread peace inlume.About peace in the world spoke various personalities, belonging to different areas. The lungultimpului have gathered a number of famous quotes about peace. For example, Saint John Gurade said that "If there is peace, all others are superfluous". Benjamin Franklin to spusca "has never been a good war or a bad peace." Jawaharlal Nehru said that "Peace is not the relationship between the Nations. It is a State of mind on the silence of the soul
We all want peace in the world with so much as a war we can endanger life, health and life of a recluse. During the war, people can make their plans, they don't manage to grow personally and professionally, and the passage of each day does not mean anything else but a constant struggle for survival. But because we want peace in the world, many organizations were created specifically for this purpose. Those organizations that promotes peace in the world are numerous and often operates internationally. One of the most popular organizations for peace and nonviolence is the UN. There are also a number of non-governmental associations also struggle to maintain a state of peace in the world. One of the most popular countries that completely gave up everything that military force is Costa Rica. In Costa Rica was opened and a University of Peace, which helps young students to better understand what it means peace in the world and fight for it diplomatically. Here, beyond history, geography, ecology and Geonomic material is taught and called resilience, discipline that helps maintain peace in the world by using non-violent techniques. Create that educational institution, unique in the world, can help maintain and spread peace in the world. About peace in the world spoke different personalities belonging to different fields. Over time gathered a number of famous quotes on peace. For example, St. John Chrysostom said, "If there is peace, all the others are useless." Benjamin Franklin said, "There was never a good war or a bad peace." Jawaharlal Nehru said, "Peace is not a relationship between nations. It is a state of mind on the silence of the soul. "