If I'm a scientist today I'm going to invent more things. One of the most important things that today even wants to exist is a medicine that will make us have no headaches. I think this preparation would make life people are much better. Headaches are sometimes unbearable for people, and pills do not work all the time. If this preparation really works, it will be free for children from 10 to 21 years of age.
Dacă asi fi un om de știință azi inventa mai multe lucruri.Unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri care azi dori chiar da existe ar fi..un medicament ce ne va face să nu avem dureri de cap.Eu cred ca acest preparat ar face viata oamenilor mult mai buna.Durerile de cap sunt uneori insuportabile pentru oameni,iar pastilele nu au efect tot timpul.Daca acest preparat ar avea efect cu adevărat,va fi gratuit pentru copii de la 10 pînă la 21 de ani.