a fost răspuns

-I am collecting the consequences of what you have done . There was not a word left that I have not heard . On one hand Julia , on the otehr the witch Mary ." We'll marry Gulsum . Then we will do this Julia . And we'll do that ." I have heard hundred of insults from all , one after the other . And your uncle knew about it .
-What ? And what did he say ?
-What can he say ? Of course , he was angry . Don't lose more time there , get out of there and come . Or let someone come to pick you up .
-Mom , I'll tell you something .
-Don't tell me anything more , Julia . Get out of there and come , be in front of my eyes
-We will solve this problem from the roots
-Julia , you will put me alive into the grave .

Răspuns :

Ma gandesc la suma consecintelor a tot ceea ce ai facut.Nu a mai ramas nici macar un singur cuvant pe care sa nu-l fi auzit.Pe de-o parte Julia, pe cealalta '' vrajitoarea'' aia de Mary.Il vom casatori pe Gulsum. Apoi o vom rezolva si pe aceasta Julia.Si o vom face. Am auzit sute de insulte din partea tuturora,una dupa alta.Si unchiul tau stia asta.
-Poftim? Si ce a spus?
-Ce putea sa spuna? Bineinteles ca a fost suparat .Nu-ti mai pierde timpul pe acolo ,pleaca de acolo si vino aici.Sau cere cuiva sa vina sa te ia.
-Mama, iti voi marturisi ceva.
-Nu-mi mai spune nimic Julia.Pleaca de acolo si vin-o, sa te vad in fata ochilor.
-Vom rezolva aceasta problema pas cu pas.
-Julia, tu ma bagi in mormant de vie.