a fost răspuns

-Today it has been 23 years since we lost Albina . Julia goes to her grave year and put her white flowers . Every year .
-My condolences.
-Okay . Forget about me now , tell me . What storms are blowing in your heart again ?
-Our storms never douze , father .
-Julia said . You are getting divorced from the doctor . You told her to start the process . Yes it is so , like this I mean .
-Okay , but why?
-For Mary sake and the best for her .
-Did you ask her ? Did you tell her about it ? I am throwing you in the middle of streets for what is teh best for you ? Your silence is saying : " I am the dark path passenger , and I will also destroy her " " I'm leaving her not because I don't love her , but out of love . Are you saying so , son ?
-Word for word just like that .
-Wrong . What you are saying is wrong . The one who has put the rose on top of a dry branch full of thorns probably knew what he was doing , right ? And the branch thorns can't harm the rose . But the dirty hand that is reaching out to grab the rose . A woman is like a soil land , son . You will be the sun , you will burn yourself and warm her up . You will become the rain and you will be raining over her . And then watch how she will welcome you with thousand of buds. Who is loving a body is called a guy . And who is loving a soul is called a real Man .If you fell in love ? Then you'll love like a real Man . There is no such thing , to take her now then throw her like this . If you have fear on one side , and hope on the other , then you will be with two wings . You can not fly with one wing anyway .If you don't polish the stone with the right tool , it will never become a ring for the finger . A stone that wants to be a ring , will accept to be smashed and cut . Be a man of words , be a warrior of love .And leave the rest to her .

Răspuns :

- Azi se implinesc 23 de ani de cand am pierdut-o pe Albina. Julia merge la ea la mormant si ii aduce flori albe. In fiecare an.
-Bine. Sa nu vorbim de mine acum. Ce te framanta?
-Framantarile noastre nu mai inceteaza ,tata.
-Julia a spus ca vei divorta de  doamna doctor. I-ai spus ca poate face demersurile pentru a incepe procesul.Da, asa este, cum am spus.
-Bine, dar de ce?
-Pentru binele lui Mary.
-Dar ai intrebat-o? I-ai vorbit despre asta? Te scot in strada pentru binele tau? Tacerea ta spune '' Sunt un calator pe cararea intunericului si o voi distruge cu asta si pe ea.''O parasesc fiindca nu o iubesc, nu o fac din dragoste.La asta te gandesti fiule?
-Cuvant cu cuvant.
-Gresit.Tot ceea ce spui este gresit.Cel care a pus trandafirul pe o ramura uscata plina de spini probabil ca stia ce face,nu-i asa? Si spinii de pe ramura nu pot rani trandafirul.O femeie este ca un pamant fertil.Tu vei fi soarele, te arzi pe tine insuti ca sa o incalzesti pe ea.Vei deveni ploaie si o vei uda.Atunci o vei privi vum iti multumeste cu mii de muguri.Cel care iubeste un trup se numeste baiat, iar cel care iubeste sufletul poate fi numit un adevarat barbat.Si daca te vei indragosti? Atunci iubeste-o ca un adevarat barbat.Nu exista ceva de genul ca acum o iei in viata ta si apoi te descotorosesti de ea.Daca pe de-o parte ti-e teama si pe cealalta inca speri, atunci le vei avea pe ambele.Nu ai sa poti zbura cu o singura aripa.Daca nu lustruiesti piatra cu unealta potrivita, ea nu va deveni niciodata inel .O piatra care vrea sa devina inel accepta sa fie zdrobita si taiata.Fii un om de cuvant si un luptator pentru dragoste.Restul, lasa-l in seama ei...