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Scrieti 8 propozitii despre Tower Bridge

Răspuns :

1.Tower Bridge is a a very beautiful bridge.(Tower Bridge este un pod foarte frumos).
2.Have you heard of Tower Bridge?(Ați auzit despre Tower Bridge?)
3.Tomorrow,I ll visit the Tower Bridge.(Mâine,voi vizita podul Tower Bridge.)
4.Now a long time ago,the famous Tower Bridge was Built.(Acum foarte mult timp a fost construit faimosul Pod Tower Bridge).
5.Tower Bridge is a sturdy bridge.(Tower Bridge este un pod rezistent).
6.WOW!It s Tower Bridge!What is beautiful!(WOW!Este podul Tower Bridge!Ce frumos este!
7.The Tower Bridge is part is London.(Podul Tower Bridge face parte din Londra.
8.Congralations to those who created the Tower Bridge.(Felicitări celor care au creat podul Tower Bridge).