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Daca as merge in toata lumea, as vizita Parisul, si anume punctul culminant al orasului-Turnul Eiffel.
As vizita acest loc, deoarece ma pasioneaza Franta, care e dupa spusele oamenilor, e una din cele mai frumoase tari din lume.
Parisul este un oras aglomerat, insa aglomerat cu oameni care intr-adevar sunt grabiti, insa au mereu obiceiul de a ajuta, ceea ce ii surprinde placut pe multi dintre turisti.
Turnul Eiffel, cel ce e considerat unul dintre multele minuni ale lumii, este lucrul ce orice copil sau adult ar vrea sa il vada. Acesta e mandria Frantei.
Turnul Eiffel e dotat cu un lift si un restaurant in varful acestuia, care e atractia turistilor. Majoritatea Frantei sunt turisti, decat locuitori ai tarii.
De asemenea, turnul arata incredibil in timpul noptii.

Răspuns :

If I went around the world, I would visit Paris, the climax of the Eiffel Tower.
I would visit this place because I am passionate about France, which is, according to people, it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Paris is a crowded city, but crowded with people who are really hurried, but they always have the habit of helping, which is a pleasant surprise for many tourists.
The Eiffel Tower, considered one of the many wonders of the world, is what every child or adult would like to see. This is the pride of France.
The Eiffel Tower is equipped with a lift and a restaurant on top, which is the attraction of tourists. Most of France are tourists, rather than residents of the country.
Also, the tower looks incredible at night.

- Sper ca te-am ajutat. Coroana :)
If i woud go in all the world,i would visit Paris,and more likely the central point of the city Effel tower.
I would visit this place because France is one of my passions, wich is after people`s sayings one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Paris is a busy place, but busy withpeople wich are indeed in a surry, but they allways have the intention to help, wich is pleasant to most of the tourists.
Effel Tower, wich is considered one ofthe many wonders of the world, it`s the place wich any child or adult would love to see. This is France`s pride.
Eiffel tower have an elevator and restaurant in the top, wich it`s the main attraction. Most of the people are tourists than locals.
Also, the tower looks incredible during the night.