a fost răspuns

-There are two guns at the crime scene . One's your's mr prosecutor . Thre are three empty bullets . One of the bullets was found , and the two others were on the victim body . Till the analytical results being issued ..
-I understand . You will send me the verdict to prison , right ?
-Your brother will be out and you are going to go in .
-Destiny .

Răspuns :

-Au fost gasite doua arme la locul crimei.Una din ele este a dumneavoastra domnule procuror.Au fost  si trei gloante goale. Pe unul l-am gasit,iar celelalte doua ulterior,in corpul victimei.Pana cand se va da rezultatul analizei de laborator...
-Inteleg.Verdictul dumneavoastra ma va trimite direct la inchisoare,nu-i asa?
-Fratele tau va fi eliberat si tu ii vei lua locul.