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Imi poate traduce cineva acest text in engleza?:
Magia Craciunului

In ajunul Craciunului, afara ningea linistit,pomii erau acoperiti de o plapuna de albinute albe, casa mirosea a bunatati…iar eu stau si privesc bradul impodobit cu cu frumoasele globulete.
Privind la el ma gandesc ce cadou o sa primesc si anul acesta stiind ca am fost destul de cuminte si am impodobit cu multa dragoste si pasiune bradul care statea falnic in coltul camerei dar care lumineaza intreaga camera cu stelutele lui multicolore.
Cat timp stateam si il asteptam pe Mos Craciun, am adormit.
Visam ca bradul imi vorbeste si imi multumeste ca l-a impodobit atat de frumos si spunea ca ii va spune Mosului sa imi aduca cel mai frumos cadou.
In dimineata de Craciun cand m-am trezit am vazut sub bradul care statea falnic cau un soldatel, cadoul care mi-l doream de mult timp, si langa el o scrisoare de la Mos care imi spunea sa fiu la fel de ascultatoare si cuminte pentru ca el imi va fi recunoscator si imi va aduce un cadou la fel de frumos.
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Răspuns :

On the eve of Christmas, outside the quiet snow, the trees were covered by a bunch of white albinos, the house smelled of goodness ... and I stand and look at the fir tree adorned with the beautiful globules.
Looking at him, I think of what gift I will receive and this year, knowing that I was quite good and I adorned with much love and passion the fir tree that straddles in the corner of the room but which illuminates the whole room with its multicolored stars.
While we were sitting and waiting for Santa Claus, I fell asleep.
We dream that the tree speaks to me and thanks me for decorating it so beautiful and saying she will tell Santa to bring me the most beautiful gift.
On Christmas morning when I woke up, I saw under the fir tree standing like a soldier, the gift I wanted for a long time, and beside him a letter from Mos that told me to be just as obedient and good for that he will be grateful and will bring me an equally beautiful gift