a fost răspuns

Imi trebuie urgent traduse propozitiile acestea in engleza:
1. Daca pasagerii ar fi ajuns la aeroport la timp, ei ar fi prins avionul.
2. Daca ai fi citit cartea, ai fi stiut raspunsurile la intrebarile profesorului.
3. Ea ar pierde din greutate daca ar renunta la dulciuri.
4. Tu nu ai tusi daca nu ai fuma.
5. Dupa ce elevii vor da examenul vor astepta 2 saptamani sa se afiseze rezultatele pe site.
6. Eu te-as ajuta daca as avea posibilitati.
7. Parintii ei nu ar fi fost dezamagiti daca ea nu ar fi picat examenul.
8. Pacientii vor lua medicamentele daca doctorul le va prescrie.
9. Eu nu te-as deranja daca ai dormi.
Am nevoie urgent!!

Răspuns :

1. If the passengers had arrived at the airport in time, they would have caught the plane.
2. If you had read the book, you would have known the answers to your teacher's questions.
3. She would lose weight if she gave up on sweets.
4. You wouldn't cough if you didn't smoke.
5. After the pupis are examined, they will wait for two weeks for the results to be posted on te site.
6. I would help you if I had the posibilities.
7. Her parents would not have been disappointed if she hadn't failed the exam.
8. The patients will take the medicines if the doctor prescribes them.
9. I wouldn't disturb you if you slept.