Răspuns :
4. Complete the sentences to describe the pictures. Name the seasons.
Completați enunțurile pentru a descrie imaginile. Indicați denumirea anotimpurilor.
The sun is hot.
Flowers are bright.
Fruits are ripe.
Birds sing in the trees.
(a doua imagine - vara / summer)
Leaves fall down.
Animals look for food.
People gather crops.
Days are shorter.
(a treia imagine - toamna / autumn)
Everything wakes up.
Flowers grow up everywhere.
Animals get out of holes.
it is time to plant vegetables.
(prima imagine - primăvara / spring)
Everything is under the snow.
Animals hibernate/sleep in their holes.
Nights are very long.
It is cold.
(imaginea suprapusă, cu omul de zăpadă - iarna / winter).
Am atașat imaginea din manual care a fost necesară pentru acest exercițiu. Succes!