Răspuns :
1.Who ate my cupcake?(Cine mi-a mancat briosa?)
2.Who is calling?(Cine suna?)
3.Who called me?(Cine m-a sunat?)
4.Who did all the work?(Cine a facut toata munca?)
5.The one who finished first should be awarded.(Cine a terminat primularr trebui premiat.)
6.The one's who finished the race won as a team.(Cei ce au terminat primi cursa/intrecerea au castigat impreuna ca o echipa.)
7.Who is looking for me?(Cine ma cauta?)
8.You are the only one who helped me.(Esti singurul care m-a ajutat.)
9.Who is that?(Cine e ala/aia?)
10.I am the only one who put effort in the race.(Sunt singurul care a depus efort la intrecere.)
1.Which one of you broke my window?(Care dintre voi mi-a spart geamul?)
2.Which girl is the one the shoe fits?(Care e fata careia ii vine papucul?)
3.Which one of us do you love the most?(Pe care dintre noi ii iubesti mai mult?)
4.Which grade/mark is the best?(Care nota e cea mai buna?)
5.Which person makes you feel the best?(Care persoana te face sa te simti cel mai bine?)
6.Between the two of you,which one can actually can get good marks/grades?(Dintre voi doi care chiar poate sa ia note bune?)
7.Which children is thw naughtiest?(care copil e mai obraznic?)
8.Which person didn't do his homework?(care persoana nu si-a facut tema?)
9.Which flower is the beautiful one?(care floarea e cea mai frumoasa?)
10.Which class do you like the best?(care clasa(in sensul de materie,de ex.:romana,mate, engleza,etc.)iti place cel mai mult?)
1.Who ate my cupcake?(Cine mi-a mancat briosa?)
2.Who is calling?(Cine suna?)
3.Who called me?(Cine m-a sunat?)
4.Who did all the work?(Cine a facut toata munca?)
5.The one who finished first should be awarded.(Cine a terminat primularr trebui premiat.)
6.The one's who finished the race won as a team.(Cei ce au terminat primi cursa/intrecerea au castigat impreuna ca o echipa.)
7.Who is looking for me?(Cine ma cauta?)
8.You are the only one who helped me.(Esti singurul care m-a ajutat.)
9.Who is that?(Cine e ala/aia?)
10.I am the only one who put effort in the race.(Sunt singurul care a depus efort la intrecere.)
1.Which one of you broke my window?(Care dintre voi mi-a spart geamul?)
2.Which girl is the one the shoe fits?(Care e fata careia ii vine papucul?)
3.Which one of us do you love the most?(Pe care dintre noi ii iubesti mai mult?)
4.Which grade/mark is the best?(Care nota e cea mai buna?)
5.Which person makes you feel the best?(Care persoana te face sa te simti cel mai bine?)
6.Between the two of you,which one can actually can get good marks/grades?(Dintre voi doi care chiar poate sa ia note bune?)
7.Which children is thw naughtiest?(care copil e mai obraznic?)
8.Which person didn't do his homework?(care persoana nu si-a facut tema?)
9.Which flower is the beautiful one?(care floarea e cea mai frumoasa?)
10.Which class do you like the best?(care clasa(in sensul de materie,de ex.:romana,mate, engleza,etc.)iti place cel mai mult?)