a fost răspuns

traducere(corecta)in enleza a textului: Martin
si Luis Evans sunt gemeni si au 12 ani.Vara trecuta ei au fost intr-o
tabara la multe.Intr-una din zile au participat la o drumetie in
padure.Ei au vazut o veverita si urmarind-o s-au indepartat de grup
,chiar daca au fost atentionati sa nu faca asta.

Din neatentie Martin a alunecat intr-o prapastie si isi rupe
piciorul.Luis a incercat sa il scoata de acolo,dar prapastia era prea
adanca si nu a reusit.

Sesizand disparitia lor, toata tabara incepe sa ii caute.Dupa
cateva ore de cautari au fost gasiti,infometati si speriati.Martin a
fost scos din prapastie si a primit ingrijiri in tabara.
De atunci cei doi nu s-au mai aventurat prin padure (nu s-au mai despartit de grup).

Răspuns :

Martin and Luis Evans are twins and they have 12 ani.Vara last they were in a camp in one day multe.Intr attended a hike in padure.Ei saw a squirrel and watching her were removed by group, even if they were warned not to do so. Martin inadvertently slipped off a cliff and they tried to break piciorul.Luis him out of there, but the gap was too deep and failed. Seeing their disappearance, the whole camp begins to caute.Dupa few hours of searching were found starving and speriati.Martin was removed from the precipice and received care in camp. Since then the two have not ventured through the forest (there were also split group).