Răspuns :
On a hot day of summer, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came near the river. To drink the water, she climbed up on a small rock. While trying to drink a water, she slipped and fell into the river.
There was a dove sitting on a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into the river. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove.
There was a dove sitting on a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into the river. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove.
Once upon a time, there was a little ant who lived in a forest with her trustworthy friends.But, one day, when she was working, she lost her way home. What is she going to do ?Everything was dark, it was night and no sign of light anywhere, except from the moon and the stars, but didn't help at all. It took hours and hours trying to fin her way home, but she was completly lost. She lost her hopes...but, she heard something from the bushes. She kept hearing it, but too freaked out too check what's in there. At one last time, she was brave enough to check...but what was in there, it would never forget.It was an immense thing, very immense for a little ant,it had giant blue eyes, wings and it was full of feathers. It was a bird, who was looking after food to it. As she saw the little lost ant, she opened wide her mouth, getting ready to have her lunch, but the little ant couldn' let that happen. ''Please, don't eat me!'' said the ant. ''I'm just trying to find my way home, I'm lost and I don't know where I am'' The bird looked very hard at the ant. ''Why would I do this instead of having my lunch ?'' Asked the bird,looking at the ant very hard.''Because....'' Started the little ant, and there was stopped by the bird. ''Because you're too scared to go in my stomach ?''''Please Mrs bird, I just want to live my life happily with my beautiful husband, and my wonderfuk children.'' said the ant, too scared to even breathe.The bird took a moment to think. Why would I eat an innocent little ant, when she has children and a husband ? she thought. Then she decided to leave the little ant live happily. ''Where do you live ?'' asked kindly the bird. ''W-why ?'' ''Because I decided to help you get home''''Really ?'' the little ant said happily. ''Um, I live in a forest, called The Shadowy Forest''''Într-adevăr ? Știu unde este pădurea asta. Este de fapt aproape de noi.''Unde ?''''Doar urmeaza-ma''Micul furnicar sa urcat pe spatele păsării și au zburat de pe câmp în Pădurea Shadowy (casa micului furnicar).Când au sosit, micul furnicar ia mulțumit pasărei și ia întrebat-o unde o poate din nou."Poate mâine", a spus pasărea.- Nu pot să aștept, spuse micul furnică.Au fluturat unii pe alții, apoi au spus la revedere.Micul furnică avea cea mai bună zi vreodată.