
traduceti va rog aceste propozitii :
1) In ciuda faptului ca imi este dor de casa imp place sa hoinaresc prin acest oras mare si linistit.
2) Cred ca citeste fiindca stiu ca citeste in fiecare seara la ora asta si nu vreau sa il deranjez pana nu termina pagina si nu ma cheama .
3) Am terminat de citit romanul ieri pe cand tu inotai fiindca afara era foarte cald si am asteptat pana te ai intors de la bazin .
4) Ce faceai cand te am sunat si nu ai vrut sa vorbesti cu mine ?
5)A ascultat concertul acesta de cand a inceput sa ninga de la sapte si sunt sigur ca emisiunea muzicala a inceput demult dar nu am avut timp sa deschid radioul pana acum fiindca trebuie sa exersez zilnic la pian .
6)Daca nu ai vazut inca piesa aceea du te cat mai curand , Georgea a vazut o alaltaieri si zice ca erau acolo o multime de oameni isi ca nu a mai vazut o piesa asa de buna.

Răspuns :

1.Beside the fact that I miss home,I like wasting time in this big peaceful town.
2.I think he's reading because I know he reads every evening at this hour and I don't want to disturb him until he finishes his page and he doesn't call for me.
3.I finished reading the Roman yesterday when you went swimming because it was very hot and I waited until you came back from the pool.
4. What were you doing when I called you and you didn't want to talk to me?
5. prop asta nu prea are logica
6.If you haven't seen that drama , go as soon as possible,Georgia saw the drama the day befire yesterday and said that there were lots of people si nu are logica iar