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Eroul meu preferat este spider-man. El este un adolescent care a fost muscat de un paiangen dupa ce a capatat puteri supra naturale. Eu il cunosc din filmurile de desen animat si filmurile. El era personajul care salva lumea de fortele raului. Mie imi place de el deoarece el poate sa se catare pe pereti si sa-si arunce panza pe cladiri si sa zboare. Spider man ma poate invata sa fiu bun si sa lupt imotriva raului.
Oamenii au o parere buna despre el, si cred ca lumea ar fi mai buna cu el.

Răspuns :

My favorite superhero is Spider-Man. He is a teen that got biten by a spider and after that he got superpowers. I know him from animated movies and movies. He was the character that was saving the forld from the evil forces. I like him because he can climb walls and shoot his webs on buildings and fly. Spider-Man can teach me how to be good and how to fight against the evil.
People have a good opinion about nim, and I think that the world would be better with him.