a fost răspuns

Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii din engleza folosind Past Perfect Simple si Past Perfect Continuous:

Cantasem 6 ani la tobe inainte de a ma inscrie in acest club

Ne antrenaseram impreuna mult timp inainte de a merge la olimpiada

Lucrase la acea companie timp de 10 ani cand a fost avansat

Ne-a informat ca discutase tinp de o ora cu prim-ministrul despre acea problema

Simon a adaugat ca jucase tenis o jumatate de ora pana sa vin eu

A recunoscut ca colectionase timbre timp de 16 ani pana sa le vanda

Fumase timp de 20 de ani pana cand s-a imbolnavit

Răspuns :

Cantasem 6 ani la tobe inainte de a ma inscrie in acest club.
I had played the drums before I joined this club.

Ne antrenaseram impreuna mult timp inainte de a merge la olimpiada.
We had trained together a long time before we went to the Olympics.

Lucrase la acea companie timp de 10 ani cand a fost avansat.
He had worked within that company for 10 years when he got promoted.

Ne-a informat ca discutase timp de o ora cu prim-ministrul despre acea problema.
He informed us that he had been dicussing with the prime minister on that matter/issue for an hour.

Simon a adaugat ca jucase tenis o jumatate de ora pana sa vin eu.
Simon added that he had been playing tennis half an hour before I arrived.

A recunoscut ca colectionase timbre timp de 16 ani pana sa le vanda.
He admitted that he had collected stamps for 16 years until he sold them.

Fumase timp de 20 de ani pana cand s-a imbolnavit.
He had smoked for 20 years until he got sick.