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Intr-o lume nesigura , pe fundalul luptei pentru supravietuire di intunecatii ani ai celui de -Al Doilea Razboi Mondial ,Ada, o fetița de 9 ani , are de purtat propria ei batalie pentru a demonstra ca nu e cu nimic diferita de ceilalti
Umilita de propria mama din cauza unui defect fizic , ținuta captiva in apartamentul lor cu o singura camera ,Ada profita de faptul ca toți copiii sunt evacuati din Londra si,impreuna cu fratele ei ,Jamie, fuge departe de rautatea mamei . Asa ajung sa o cunoasca pe Susan Smith , o femeie posaca , dar care îi iubeste ca si cum ar fi copiii ei .
Si, in timp ce lumea intreaga se schimba si toți cei din jur cunosc suferinta si despartirea , Ada descopera ce inseamna iubirea si respectul

Răspuns :

In an unsafe world, against the backdrop of the struggle to survive the dark years of the Second World War, Ada, a 9-year-old girl, has her own battle to prove that she is no different from the others Humiliated by her own mother because of a physical defect, captive in their one-room apartment, Ada takes advantage of the fact that all the children are evicted from London and, along with her brother Jamie, flee away from her mother's wretch. So they get to know Susan Smith, a shy woman, but who loves them as if they were her children. And while the world is changing and everyone around you knows suffering and separation, Ada discovers love and respect.