a fost răspuns

O compunere in engleză despre o plimbare in pădure

Răspuns :

I was bored one day, so i thought it was a good idea to go in the forest,maybe it will be like an adventure.So i started my journey by walking, a lot of walking, the road that i had to take in order to reach the forest was absolutely boring and exhausting.When i finally reached the forest i was too exhausted to have a good time so i just sat down to catch my breath,i saw some kind of wild berry,it looked delicious but from what i knew it could of been poisonous,or not, i had no idea.I get up and start walking a little, there was a wooden bench and table pretty deep in the forest,didn't made to much sense to me why they were there but because i am lazy i sat down,again.I spend a good few minutes looking at how beautiful nature is when everything just got as interesting as possible, i saw i deer,for the first time in my life, a real full sized deer, it was incredible, i took some pictures before i tried to approach it, bad move to be honest,the flash on my phone's camera scared the deer away,after finding out that there is actually wildlife in that forest i rushed home because i didn't wanted to meet a wolf, or even a bear.When i got home i spend some time enjoying something that nature could give me, my favorite TV shows.That night i tried to sleep but i couldn't stop thinking about how i just met a deer!

*Am stat destul de mult timp sa scriu asta si personal nu ti-as sugera sa o folosesti deoarece poate sa bata la ochi,e destul de lunga si putin cam complexa,totusi daca vrei sa o folosesti iti pot scrie o traducere si te rog sa tii cont ca creierul meu nu poate functiona normal la ora 03:40.As putea sa mai tai din ea daca chiar vrei sa o folosesti*