a fost răspuns

Tradu in engleza:A fost odata ca niciodata,intr-un ocean un cal de mare.Prietenii lui cei mai buni erau pestii cu care se juca cat era ziua de lunga.Intr-o zi pestii au hotarat ca nu ar trebui sa isi faca ei temele,asa ca i-au cerut calutului se mare sa le faca el pentru ei.acestuia nu i-a mai ramas timp de joaca si era foarte trist.Simtea ca pestii nu mai erau prietenii lui si ca el nu ar trebui sa munceasca in locul lor.

Răspuns :

It was once like a sea horse in an ocean. His best friends were the fish he used to play for as long as he was.One day the fish decided that they should not do their homework. So they asked the sea to make them for them. She did not have enough time to play and it was very sad. He felt that the fish were no longer his friends and that he should not work for them.
Once upon a time, in a ocean lived a seahorse. Its best friends were the fish with which he played all day long. One day the fish decided they should not do their homework so they asked the seahorse to make the homework for them. The seahorse had no time left to play and was very sad. He felt that the fish weren't its friends and that he should not work in their stead.