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Societatea de avocatura X


Borbei Georgiana Mihaela a fost angajata Societatii de avocatura Budusan &asociatii la Departamentul de drept penal , in perioada ……….,.unde a ocupat functia de avocat de drept penal.
Responsabilitatile sale includeau :oferirea de asistenta si consultatii judiciare ,asistarea la efectuarea oricarui act de urmarire penala,solicitarea de a fi instiintat de data si ora efectuarii actului de urmarire penala ori a audierii realizate de judecatorul de drepturi si libertati, participarea la audierea persoanei de catre judecatorul de drepturi si libertati,formularea plangerilor,cererilor si memoriilor, solicitarea consultarii dosarului inculpatului,luarea la cunostinta de intreg materialul dosarului de urmarire penala .
A fost o angajata devotata.Punctele sale tari sunt : abilitatea de coordonare , spiritual de echipa , calitatile ei de lider ,perseverenta,ambitia, punctualitatea ,studiile , experienta si respectarea termenelor limita.
In toata aceasta perioada s-a implicat activ in respectarea termenelor si realizarea sarcinilor profesionale.
Pe baza celor mentionate mai sus o recomand cu incredere pe Borbei Georgiana Mihaela pentru functia de procuror criminalist .
Prezenta se va folosi pentru angajare in cadrul Parchetului de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie Cluj.

18.10.2017 avocat

Răspuns :

Law Firm X LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION Borbei Georgiana Mihaela was employed by the Law Firm Budusan & Associates at the Criminal Law Department, in the period of .........., Where she served as a criminal lawyer. His responsibilities included: providing assistance and legal advice, assisting in any criminal act, requesting to be informed of the date and time of the criminal investigation or of the hearing of the judge of rights and freedoms, participation in the hearing of the person to the judge of rights and freedoms, to the filing of complaints, requests and memoirs, to requesting the consultation of the defendant's file, to getting acquainted with the entire material of the criminal prosecution file. She was a devoted employee. Her strong points are: the ability to coordinate, team spirit, her leadership skills, perseverance, ambition, punctuality, studies, experience and deadlines. Throughout this period, he was actively involved in meeting deadlines and carrying out professional tasks. On the basis of the above, I strongly recommend Borbei Georgiana Mihaela for the position of criminal prosecutor. The present will be used for employment at the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice Cluj. 18.10.2017 lawyer