a fost răspuns

imi puteti traduce va rog paragraful ăsta "Imi amintesc si acum ziua in care am pasit spre poarta liceului cu pasi marunti si incarcati de emotie.Eram curioasa sa aflu ce se afla dupa acele porti gigantice de fier.Stiam ca e o cladire,dar ce fel de cladire?!
Cand am patruns in aceea cladire imensa m-am intalnit cu viitorii mei colegi si cu domnul diriginte,dar si cu alti colegi din alte clase mai mari.Si acum imi amintesc fetele speriate ale colegilor,dar si bataile inimii mele care se accentuau cu fiecare secunda care trecea asta din cauza emotiei,dar si din cauza curiozitatii,singurul gand care imi trecea in gand in momentul de fata era sa ma integrez cat mai repede ,sa fiu o eleva buna,sa imi fac prieteni noi cat mai multi si sa traiesc intens fiecare clipa petrecuta in perioada liceului.
Dupa o mica prezentare a liceului am fost condusa in clasa de domnul diriginte impreuna cu viitorii mei colegi.
Am ajuns intr-o clasa destul de spatioasa,asezandu-ma intr-una dintre bancile din fata impreuna cu inca doua fete cu care m-am imprietenit imediat." în englezaaaaaa va rooooooggggg!!!!!

Răspuns :

I remember the day when I stepped with small steps in high school's yard, being very nervous. I was curious to know what's after those huge iron gates. I knew it was a building, but what kind of building?
When I came in I met my new classmates and my teacher, but and other new mates older than me. I still remember my classmates's scared faces, but my heart beats too which became faster and faster every second because the emotions, because the curiosity, and the only thought then was that I want to use to high school fast and to be friendly, to be a good student, ți make new friends and to live as good as I can all high school.
After we heard something about our high school I went with the teacher and my classmates to our classroom.
We went to a big classroom and I took a seat with two cool girls.