Răspuns :
In my first day of school, my mother bought me a new uniform, she gave me some flowers to give to the classroom teacher because that is the tradition to pay respect to our teachers in my country. I woke up at 7:30, i was a bit nervous, put my uniform on, my backpack only with a notebook in it, to write down a list of things i need at school for the next year and i went to school.
At school i saw my teacher, my new colegues, we stood up in line in groups of classes, each with our teachers and walked up to classroom where i'm supposed to spend my next few years of life alongside them.
The teacher made the presence, meaning that she called us each by our names and she asked of us to tell something about us, like a little description.
At the end of the day she gave us a list of things we will need in school and the new books that we will learn from them. I arrived home kind of relieved and looking forward to the next year of school.
ps: textul e ok, dar sunt cam obosita sa ti-l si traduc. In principiu in text spui cam asa: ca ti-o cumparat mama o uniforma, o luat flori ca asa respectam noi profesorii, dandu-le flori. Apoi urmatoarea zi te-ai trezit la 7:30, te-ai imbracat, te-ai dus la scoala cu un ghiozdan aproape gol, doar cu un caiet ca sa scrii lista de ce o sa-ti trebuiasca in acel an scolar. Ai ajuns la scoala, ati stat in rand pe clase, ti-ai intalnit diriginta/invatatoarea, ati mers in clasa unde iti vei petrece urmatorii ani din viata :)), o facut prezenta si v-o zis sa va descrieti pe scurt, apoi v-o dat lista cu ce va trebuie in anul ala si v-o dat cartile din acel an. Ai venit acasa usurat/a? si abia astepti sa mergi la scoala in continuare :))
At school i saw my teacher, my new colegues, we stood up in line in groups of classes, each with our teachers and walked up to classroom where i'm supposed to spend my next few years of life alongside them.
The teacher made the presence, meaning that she called us each by our names and she asked of us to tell something about us, like a little description.
At the end of the day she gave us a list of things we will need in school and the new books that we will learn from them. I arrived home kind of relieved and looking forward to the next year of school.
ps: textul e ok, dar sunt cam obosita sa ti-l si traduc. In principiu in text spui cam asa: ca ti-o cumparat mama o uniforma, o luat flori ca asa respectam noi profesorii, dandu-le flori. Apoi urmatoarea zi te-ai trezit la 7:30, te-ai imbracat, te-ai dus la scoala cu un ghiozdan aproape gol, doar cu un caiet ca sa scrii lista de ce o sa-ti trebuiasca in acel an scolar. Ai ajuns la scoala, ati stat in rand pe clase, ti-ai intalnit diriginta/invatatoarea, ati mers in clasa unde iti vei petrece urmatorii ani din viata :)), o facut prezenta si v-o zis sa va descrieti pe scurt, apoi v-o dat lista cu ce va trebuie in anul ala si v-o dat cartile din acel an. Ai venit acasa usurat/a? si abia astepti sa mergi la scoala in continuare :))