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Translate this Text : (New York , New York)
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"Nothing's happend to me yet. That's why I'm going to New York" (Whem Harry Met Sally)

New York , the largest city in U.S., is an architectural wonder with plenty of historic monuments, magnificent buildings and skyscrapers.
Besides the amazing buildings, New York is an urban jungle that has everything you'd like to see: museums,parks,trendy,neighbourhoods and shooping streets.
The most popular atractions are:
- Times Square, the most bustling square of New York is known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and electronic billboards. It is one of those places which makes New York a city that never sleeps.
- For the many immigrants who ran away from Europe to New York, the Statue of Liberty was the first image they saw of the USA. The statue was a gift from the French governament for the 100th anniversary of America's independence.
- More than any other building in the world , the Empire State Building shows the ambition of humans to build towers that reach the sky. The skyscraper is probably New York's famous building and can be seen on many postcards.
- Central Park is one of those places that makes New York such a great place to live. The huge park is located in the centre of Manhattan. Its design has served as an example for city parks around the world. The park has several lakes, theaters, ice rinks, fountains, tennis courts, baseball fields, many playgrounds and other facilities. Central Park is a welcome oasis in this crowded city.

Răspuns :

Nimic nu mi s-a mai intamplat inca. De asta ma duc la New York ( cand haruy l-a intalnit pe sally )
New york, cel mai mare oras din U.S, este o minunata arhitectura cu o multime de monumente istorice, cladiri magnifice si zgarie-nori.
In afara de asta New York este o jungla urbana care are orice ai dori sa vezi: musee, parcuri vecinatati la moda si strazi comerciale.
Cele mai populare atractii sunt: time square, cea mai aglomerata piata din new york este cunoscuta pentru teatrele Broadway, cinema uri si panourile electrice. Este unul din locurile care face new york un oras care niciodata nu doarme.
Pentru imigrantii care fug din europa in new york , Statuia Libertatii a fost prima imagine care au vazut o in USA. Statiia a fost un cadou de la guvernul francez pentru al 100-lea an de independenta a Americii.
Mai mult decat oricare cladiri din lume, cladirea Emipre State ne arata ambitia a oamenilor de a construi turnuri care ajung la cer. Zgarie-norul acesta este probabil cea mai faimoasa cladire a new york ului si poate fi vazut pe multe carti postale.
Parcul Central este unul din locuri care face new york ul un minunat oras de a locui. Parcul urias este localizat in mijlocul manhatanului. Proiectia acestuia a servit un exemplu pentru parcurile oraselor din lume. Parcul are cateva lacuri, patinoare, fantani, terenuri de tenis, terenuri de baseball, multe locuri de joaca si alte facilitati. Parcul Central este un loc bine-venit in acest oras aglomerat.