
Trebuie tradus în engleza
a) Eu in zilele de scoala, dupa ce ajung acasa invat si imi fac temele.
b) Marti o sa trebuiasca sa imi invat si pentru joi, deoarece miercuri plec la Mures.
c) Vineri o sa imi fac temele pentru saptamana viitoare.
d) Sambata o plec la Cluj ceea ce inseamna ca o sa citesc carti pe drum iar cand voi ajunge acasa ma voi uita la televizor.
d) Acesta este planul meu pentru saptamana aceasta.

Răspuns :

a) In school days, after I arrive home I am learning and I am doing my homeworks.
b)On Tuesday I will have to learn for Thursday too because on Wednesday I am going to Mures
c)On Friday I will do my homeworks for the next week.
d)On Saturday I will go to Cluj which means that I will read books on the road but when I will arrive home I will watch TV
e)This is my plan for the next week.
a) On school days, after I arrive home I learn and make my homework.
b) On Tuesday I will have to learn for Thursday too, because on Wednesday I am going to Mures.
c) On Friday I will do my homework for the next week.
d) On Saturday I will go to Cluj which means that I will read books on the road but when I will arrive home I will watch TV.
e) This is my plan for the next week.