Past simple
- Este format din Subiect+ verbul la a 2-a forma / -ed
Afirmativ: ( iti dau exemplu si cu a 2-a forma si cu -ed)
I played/ came
You played/came
She/ he/ it played/came
We played/came
You played/came
They played/came
Negativ:( aici forma verbului se lasa cum e ea)
I didn't play/ come
You didn't play/come
He/she/it didn't play/come
We didn't play/come
You didn't play/come
They didn't play/come
Did you play/come ?
Did she/he/it play/come?
Asa e la toate iti mai scriu.
You went to the school yesterday.
Aria played at the piano two weeks ago.
Emily cut her finger five weeks ago.