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Ea lea cerut parintilor sa stea acasa in aceea zi si ei au fost de acord. Asa ca ea a decis sa meatga la cumparaturi dar era prea devreme. Atunci ea a deschis televizorul dar nu era nimic interesant. Ea pur si simplu nu stia ce sa faca . Sarah era fericita sa aiba o zi libera sa faca cei place.
Ea a inceput sa se simta plictisita asa ca ea a verificat tema pe care trebuia sa o faca pentru saptamana viitoare.La sfarsitul zilei ea era trista pentru ca a inteles era mult mai amuzant sa mearga si sa fie cu prietenii ei.Asa ca ea a inceput sa si faca tema pana a venit parinti ei acasa.Intro dimineata Sarah sa trezit prea tarziu pentru a prinde autobuzulsa mearga la scoala. Dar cand ea a vrut sa si sune prieteni sa iasa afara ea a realizat ca ei erau la scoala.
Va dau coroana!

Răspuns :

She asked parents to stay home that day and they agreed. So she decided to go shopping but it was too early. Then she opened the TV but it was nothing interesting. She just did not know what to do. Sarah was happy to have a day off doing the right ones.
She began to feel bored so she checked the theme she had to do next week. At the end of the day she was sad because she understood it was much fun to go and be with her friends. So she she started to make her homework until her parents came home. Early in the morning Sarah woke up too late to catch the bus going to school. But when she wanted to call friends to come out she realized they were at school.

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