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Wedding customs in Moldova. About this region of the country they say has kept the best traditions. Undoubtedly, this is reflected in how they are organized weddings in this part of the country, traditions are those that dominate the whole .. If once the preparations for the wedding were very complex and weddings lasted for a few days, on today, even if habits are not fully met, they are still part of the tradition. Weddings traditions find them especially in villages, towns going on modernity. And one of these habits are kept in Moldova starts with respect for parents, young grooms wedding day are the ones who go to those who gave them life and seek their forgiveness for the "wrong willingly and unwillingly
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Răspuns :

Obiceiurile nuntilor din Moldova. Despre aceasta regiune a țării se spune ca si-a pastrat cele mai bune traditi. Fara niciun dubiu , acest lucru este reflectat in cum isi organizeaza nunțile in această parte a țării, traditiile sunt acelea care domina intreaga.. Daca odata pregatire pentru nunta erau foarte complexe si nuntile durau pentru cateva zile, astazi, chiar daca obiceiurile nu sunt bine cunoscute , ele inca sunt parte din traditie.
Traditiile nuntii sunt in special gasite in sate, orașele indreptandu-se spre modernism. Si unele din aceste obiceiuri sunt pastrate in Moldova , incepand cu respectul pentru părinți, tinerii miri in ziua nuntii sunt cei care se duc la cei care le-au dat viata si cauta dupa iertarea pentru invoirile rele si neinvoirile .