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The Grasshopper and the Ant
One warm summer day, a grasshopper
jumped and played in a meadow. An
ant passed by carrying a heavy load of
food to its nest.
“Why are you working so hard?
It’s too nice a day for work”, said the
grasshopper to the ant.
“I am too busy to play. I’m storing
food for the winter”, answered the ant.
The grasshopper laughed.
“Winter is a long way off. There’s
plenty of food for now. Come and play
with me.”
“No, I have to get more food before
the end of the day”, said the ant. The
ant worked all that day and the rest
of the summer while the grasshopper
chirped and played.
Winter finally came. Snow covered
the meadow. The ant was snug in its
nest with plenty of food to last until
spring. But the grasshopper could find
nothing to eat and had to go hungry.
When he asked the ant for food, she
said, “I am living on the work I did last
summer. You’ll have to live on your
dancing and singing.”

readthe fable and answer the quetions
1 howdid the ant workall sumer ?
2 what did rhe ant store for winter
3 who plaued and chiriped
4 why did the grasshopper gi hungry in winter
5 did the ant share its food with the grasshopper