a fost răspuns

TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: 1) Ce s-a intamplat in casa ta cand am trecut ieri pe la tine?Am sunat la usa dar nu mi-a răspuns nimeni desi se auzea muzica înăuntru. 2) Eu lucrasera deja in acel laborator de cateva luni cand au făcut acea descoperire. 3) El a vrut să stie ce tari straine vizitasem si care din ele imi placuse mai mult. 4) Nici nu apucase sa iasa din casa ca si-a amintit de cartea împrumutată de la bibliotecă. 5) Bunica lui a murit după ce fusese bolnavă 2 ani.6)După ce el citise articolul s-a decis sa renunte la fumat. MULTUMESC FRUMOS!

Răspuns :

1) What happened in your house when I was yesterday there?
I rang the doorbell but nobody answered me even if inside I heard music.
2) They already worked in that laboratory since a few months when they made this discovery.
3) He wanted to know what foreign countries I visited and which of them I liked more.
4) He did not even manage to run from the house because he remembered about the borrowed book from the library.
5) His grandma died after she was sick 2 years.
6) After he read the article he stopped smoking.