
-De obicei mă trezesc la ora 6:30 dimineața! Pana la ora 7:30 ma pregatesc pentru scoala. După ora 7:30 mananc iar la 7:50 ma indrept spre scoala pentru a ajunge la timp la orele de curs. Aproape in fiecare zi termin la ora 14. După care , mă duc să iau pranzul. După ce am servit masa,ma odihnesc sau fac alte activitati in timpul liber timp de cateva ore,apoi ma apuc de teme si de invatat. După ce termin lectiile mă uit la tv,ies afara sau fac altceva,iar in jurul orei 11 seara mă culc.

Răspuns :

Every day I wake up at 06.30 in the morning! I prepare to school until 07.30! I go to eat after 07.30 and at 07.50 I go to school to arrive time at course.Every day almost to finish the class and after I go to take the lunch! After that, I go to rest or to make another activities in a free time , a few hours, then I make homework and l learn it. After finish the homeworks, I watch at T.V, then I go outside or to make something else and then I go to bed at 11 PM o clock!