a fost răspuns

Dau coroana! Urgent!

Dau Coroana Urgent class=

Răspuns :

Afternoon=Dupa amiaza
evening =seara
morning =dimineata
I brusch my teeth=ma spal pe dinti
I get dressed= ma imbrac
I arrive home/college= am ajuns acasa/colegiu
I leave home/college =Eu locuiesc acasa/ colegiu
Alarm clock=alarma ceas
i catcha bus= prind autobuzul
It's five a clock= este ora cinci
It's quarter past/quarter to six=trimestrul trecut /trimestrul sase
it' halft past four= este patru si jumatate

Sper ca te-am ajutat.
I play with friends in the park for monthsOn Tuesday I read with my grandmotherWednesday I learn to skateThursday I'm getting ready for the teston Friday they go to the marketSaturday will rest on my cottageon Sunday I spend the afternoon together with my best friendthe afternoon I'll start doing my homeworkin the evening I play my little sisterI washes my teeth before my mother is sleeping!in the morning I get ready for schoolI wear thick clothes because it is coldI got homeI live in college with my neighbor Mihaiwhy does the clock alarm sound?I hurry to get on the busmy mother is in the kitchenthe bathroom is occupiednow it's five o'clockthe last timestamp I learned moreit's four-half hours 
       si traducerea
luni ma joc cu prietenii in parcmarti citesc impreuna cu bunica miercuri invat sa patinez joi ma pregatesc pentru testvineri merg la piata sambata ma odihnes la o cabana duminica imi petrec dupamiaza impreuna cu cel mai bun prietendupaamiaza o sa incep sa-mi fac temeleseara ma joc su sora mea mai micama spal pe dinti inainte sa ma culc mama!dimineata ma pregatesc pentru scoalama imbrac cu haine groase deorce este frigiei am ajuns acasaeu locuies la colegiu cu vecinul lui mihaide ce suna alarma ceasului ?ma grabesc sa prin autobuzulmama se afla in bucatariebaia este ocupataacum este ora cincitimestrul trecut am invatat mai multeste ora patru jumate