a fost răspuns

though hiking in the mountains was more difficult
than I thought.
On the first day of the trip, I slipped on some
loose rocks and sprained my ankle. While limping
back to camp, I fell and bruised my shin. I hadn't been
hiking for a while, so I also got blisters' on my heels
and somehow I cut the sole of my foot on a sharp rock
while I was checking on my tired feet. Wow, did I sleep
well that night!
On the second day, I told my parents that I had
to climb the beautiful mountain peak that was nearby
de tradus

Răspuns :

Desi drumetiile in munti au fost mai dificile decat credeam.
In prime zi a drumetiei, am alunecat pe niste pietre si mi am scrantit glezna.In timp ce schiopatam spre tabara, am cazut si mi am julit pielea( sau m am zgariat). Nu am mers in drumetie pentru o vreme, deci mi am ingrijit(bandajat) ranile si cumva mi am taiat talpa intr o piatra ascutita in timp ce imi verificam piciorul obosit. Wow, am dormit bine in acea noapte!
In urmatoarea zi, le am spus parintilor mei ca am de urcat (escaladat) frumosul varf al muntelui care era in apropiere.