Urgent!Dau coroana!
Traduceti in engleza ,urmatoarele propoziti:
1)Sora mea a lucrat mai mult in ianuarie.
2)Jon a vizitat parisul acum zece ani.
3)Tata a inchis televizorul acum cinci minute.
4)Fratele meu citeste romane politiste cand este in vacanta.
5)Bunici mei isi vor intalni prietenii anul viitor.
6)Uite ploua!Si eu nu am o haina de ploaie.
7)prietenul meu a fost foarte bolnav vara trecuta.
8)Ce vei face anul viitor cu bicicleta varului tau?
9)Am urcat in tren cand acesta s-a oprit.
10)Cand am raspuns la telefon am auzit o voce stranie.
1) My sister worked longer in January. 2) Jon visited Paris this past ten years. 3) Dad closed the TV five minutes ago. 4) My brother reads police novels when he's on vacation. 5) My grandparents will meet their friends next year. 6) It's raining! And I do not have a raincoat. 7) My friend was very sick last summer. 8) What will you do next year with your lime bicycle? 9) I got on the train when it stopped. 10) When I answered the phone I heard a strange voice.