traducere engleza romana:Is Nessie little?. douse she have theree large humps on her back? dose nessie have a very short neck? how long is nessie? what is loch ness? where is loch ness?where is nessie famous? what is nessie also called? are all of the photos of nessie real? how long is loch ness? how deep is loch ness? why do people coe to scotland? do you belive in the loch ness monster? are there such mysteries in your contry?
1) E nessie mic? 2)Are trei cocoase pe spate? 3)Are nessie un gat foarte scurt? 4)Cat de lung e nessie? 5)Ce este loch ness? 6)Unde este loch ness? 7)Unde este nessie faimos? 8)Cum mai este nessie numit? 9)Sunt toate pozele lui loch ness reale?