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Robison Crusoe s-a nascut in anul 1632 in orasul York intr-o familie cumsecade avand doi frati. La 19 ani dornic de aventura a fugit de acasa impreuna cu un prieten, imbarcandu-se pe un vas. Acesta a naufragiat langa Yarsmouth dar echipajul a fost salvat de o alta nava. Robinson s-a imbarcat apoi pe un alt vas si s-a imprietenit cu capitanul care l-a invatat notiuni de navigatie si matematica. A mai calatorit si pe alte nave facand negustorie. In Brazilia cumpara pamant si cultiva trestie de zahar. Ii merg bine afacerile si dupa trei ani niste plantatori il conving sa plece in Guineea ca reprezentant al lor. Pleca pe mare si dupa cateva sapatamani un uragan il surprinde si corabia esueaza pe un banc de nisip. Reuseste sa ajunga la mal dar avea numai hainele pe el. Vede corabia esuata si o porneste inot adunand toate proviziile pe care le gaseste acolo apoi isi face un adapost pe insula cum se pricepe mai bine. Dintr-un par gros isi face o cruce pe care crestaturi in fiecare zi asta insemnand zile, sapatamani si luni.

Răspuns :

Robinson Crusoe was born in the year 1632 in the city of York, in a nice family having two brothers. At 19 years old, willing to get adventure, he ran away from home together with a friend, embarking on a ship. It shipwrecked next to Yarmouth, but the crew was saved by another ship. Robinson then embarked on another ship and befriended the captain, who learnt him notions of navigation and mathematics. He then traveled on other ships making trade. In Brazil, he buys land and cultivates sugarcane. His buissness goes well and, after 3 years, some plantation owners convince him to leave to Guinea as their representative. He leaves on the sea and after a few weeks, a hurricane surprises him and the ship wrecks on a sandbar. He manages to get to the shore but he only had his clothes on him. He sees the ship wrecked and starts swimming, gathering all the supplies he finds there, then builds a shelter on the island as best as he can make it. Out of a thick stake, he makes a cross on which he carves everyday, each crest meaning days, together forming weeks and months.
Robison Crusoe was born in 1632 in York in a very good family with two brothers. At 19, adventurous, he fled home with a friend, diving on a ship. He wrecked near Yarsmouth but the crew was rescued by another ship. Robinson then embarked on another ship and became acquainted with the captain who taught him the notions of sailing and math. He has also traveled to other merchant ships. In Brazil, they buy land and grow sugar cane. I'm doing business well, and after three years some planters are persuading him to go to Guinea as their representative. He leaves at sea and after a few weeks a hurricane surprises him and the ship fails on a sandy bench. He manages to get to the shore, but he only has his clothes on it. He sees the failed ship and starts swimming swimming all the supplies he finds there, and then makes his shelter on the island as he gets better. From a thick hair it makes a cross on which slits every day that means days, weeks and months.