
traduceti-mi in engleza urmatorul text O femeie în vârstă de 34 de ani a murit, miercuri seară, după ce s-a aruncat de la o fereastră aflată la etajul al nouălea al Spitalului, unde era internată. Poliţiştii care au intervenit la locul incidentului au stabilit, în urma primelor cercetări, că o femeie în vârstă de 34 de ani s-a aruncat de la o fereastră aflată la etajul al nouălea al Spitalului.
Conform acestora, medicii au încercat să o resusciteze pe femeie, însă aceasta a murit.

Răspuns :

A 34 years women died last Thursday , after he jumped on a window from the 9 'th floor. The policemans cames to the place of the accident and after some information they said a 34 years old women jumped from the 9'th floor of the hospital. The medics tried to bring her back but she died
A women has 34 years old died,Tuesterday evening,when has been thrown at the window located at the 9th floor of the hospital, where she has hospitalizes
The police who intervened at accident place has established, following the first research, like a woman has 34 years old has been thrown at the window located at the 9th floor of the hospital
According to then, the doctors has tried to resuscitate her , but she died

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