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Familia mea si cu mine am planificat demult o vacanta in Thailanda si cum vacanta de vara a sosit, ne-am facut bagajele si am mers la aeroport. Am asteptat pan ace avionul a fost pregatit de noul zbor. Am urcat si ne-am asezat pe locurile noastre.Eu am stat langa geam ca sa pot admira peisajul de jos. Cu cat urcam spre cer ma simteam ca o stapana a cerului care se intrece cu pasarile, care poate da norilor orice forme sip e care soarele o mangaie cu razele blande. In linistea profunda, imi deschid cartea si citesc, iar parintii fac integrame. Deodata ambientul este stricat de turbulente. Nu stiam ce se petrece. Ni s-a cerut sa ne pastram calmul si ni s-a solicitat sa ne luam parasite. Eram putin speriata. In cele din urma ni s a cerut sa sarim din avion. Mi a trebuit mult curaj. Am aterizat in siguranta pe malul Golfului Thailanda. Am oftat toti usurati ca suntem in viata si am fost condusi de un ghid la hotel. Era un hotel pe plaja. Cu toate astea am avut o vacanta de neuitat desi am trait groaza si extaz simultan. Ne-am intors acasa cu o poveste grozava si cu multa bucurie

Răspuns :

My family and I have long planned a vacation in Thailand and how summer vacation arrived, packed our luggage and went to the airport. I waited until the plane was ready for the new flight. We climbed and sat down on our seats. I stood by the window to admire the lower landscape. As I climbed to the sky, I felt like a master of the sky who was fighting with the birds, who can give the clouds any form of sip, which the sun is gentle with gentle rays. In deep silence, I open my book and read, and my parents are integrated. Suddenly the environment is ruined by turbulence. I did not know what was going on. We were asked to keep calm and we were asked to take our leave. I was a little scared. Eventually we were asked to jump out of the plane. I had a lot of courage. We landed safely on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. We all sigh that we are alive and were led by a hotel guide. It was a hotel on the beach. Still, we had an unforgettable vacation, though I experienced horror and ecstasy at the same time. We returned home happily and with a great story