a fost răspuns

Va roog! Dau 30 de puncte!! Urgent!! Trebuie să îmi pian o nota și vreau să răspundă d la exercițiul asta dar nu sunt sigură!! Mi-l faceți și mie și mă verific va roog!
1. Join the sentences with who,which, where, or whose as in the Grammar box.
Your new sentence must mean the same as the pairs of sentences.
• A chest is a large box. You can keep important pe valuable things there.
• An archeologist is a person. He/She studies ancient times by studying the remains of buildings and object.
• A condor is a large bord. It lives in the Andes.
• A Chinese-American is an American person. HIS/HER ancestors were Chinese.
• Machu Picchu ia a city. Hiram Bingham discovered it.
• Atahualpa Washington an emperor. The Spanish forces killed him.