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Traduceţi în română în engleză: Tu poţi citi repede? Aceşti copii erau ieri în parc. Este ora 6:25 de minute şi el nu e acasă. Ai văzut filmul aseară? Tu citeşti acum? Tu îţi faci temele în fiecare zi? Îmi place să mănânc dulciuri dar azi am plecat de acasă mai târziu. Pls help cine mă ajută îi dau coroană

Răspuns :

Can you read fast? These kids were yesterday in the park. It's 6:25 minutes and it's not home. Have you seen the movie last night? Read now? Do you do your homework every day? I like to eat sweets, but today I went home later.
Can you read quickly?
These children were in the park yesterday.
It's twenty-five minutes past six and he isn't at home.
Did you watch the movie last night?
Are you reading now?
Do you do your homework every day?
I like to eat sweets, but today I left home later