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Sports has always played an important part in human history. Even in the distant past, people competed in different athletic events to train for the military, to represent their clans or their country, or simply to show their abilities. Why heve sports been so important to human beings?Certainly, we can say that athletics is reactional and plasurable.At the same time, it makes us healthy and strong. But ,sports can also help us built relationship with different people. One goal of international sports events is to create peace between all people on Earth.
To achieve good results or set records at an athletic event, one should start going out for sports from early childhood. This mekes muscles strong and perfects our skills. Most champions begin to run , jump and play different games from a young age. There are so many sports to fit the interests of all kinds of people.

Răspuns :

sportul a jucat intotdeauna un rol important in isoria umanitatii. chiar si in trecutul indepartat, oamenii participau la evenimante sportive pentru a se pregati pentru razboaie, pentru a reprezenta clanuri sau tara lor, sau doar pentru a isi arata abilitatile. de ce a fost sportul atat de important pt oameni? cu siguranta , putem spune ca atletismul este  ???(ce cuvant este) si placut. in acelasi timp, ne face sanatosi si puternici. dar sportul ne poate ajuta sa construim relatii cu ceilalti oameni. unul dintre scopurile evenimentelor sportive internationale este de a face pace intre toti locuitorii pamantului. pentru a avea rezultate bune sau pentru a inscrie un noub record la un astfel de eveniment, atletul trebuie sa practice sporturi inca din copilarie. aceasta ii face muscjii puternici si perfectioneaza abilitatile sale.majoritatea campionilor incep sa alerge, sa sara si sa practice diferite sporturi de la o varsta frageda. sunt foarte multe sporturi care trezesc interesele  tuturor oamenilor.